Social Economic development Society [SEDS] was solely founded to provide a range of services to poor, distressed & deprived people. Through its programs and projects SEDS provides a series of rights-based services to people through a holistic approach. SEDS’s work with women and children complies with the Women and Children Affairs, Child Rights Convention; Human rights Declaration & CEDAW. The organization emphasizes the need to respect people’s developing capacities. All programs are expected to create space and promote progresses designed to enable and empower community people. We speak out for the rights of every human especially in Coastal zones of Barisal Division where communities are severely affected by the climatic changes impact. We defend human rights, we work for improving pro-poor laws & policies, we fight for the rights of women children and youths, women farmers & victims of domestic violence. We are committed to work for community development, poverty reduction, quality education, sound environment, sustainable development, local resources mobilization & utilization, Climate changes, disaster risk reduction, sustainable agriculture & production. We stand up for the people of Barisal division and work with policy makers who decide on laws, approve budgets and plan for the future of citizens. We work with national, government and international organizations that are committed to develop distressed and deprived people. We work towards complimenting the SDG Development Goals. We work for equal rights for girls and women and their participation in community development. We work for the progress promised in different national and International Charters.